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Getting started with Kubernetes


You should be able to:

  • Understand the install and use a Kubernetes runtime and client
  • Deploy a simple application
  • Understand how to scale an application


  1. Run Kubernetes

You can choose your tools but we recommend either minikube, kind or microk8s

minikube start

or more fancy:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.28.0-rc.1 --nodes 3

Enable the dashboard and the metrics server:

minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube addons enable dashboard
minikube dashboard

Go ahead and deploy a redis image using the UI. Access Redis with:

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl logs redis‐5o0i8
$ kubectl exec ‐ti redis‐5o0i8 bash root@redis‐5o0i8:/data# redis‐cli>

You can use minikube ssh to poke around the nodes; check which node the pod is running on:

$ kubectl get pods ‐o wide

Explore kubectl commands:

$ kubectl explain pods
$ kubectl explain pods.metadata
$ kubectl describe pods redis‐7f5f77dc44‐mpjvc